B'nai Mitzvah
B'nai Mitzvah
One recent visitor at a Bat Mitzvah service sent us this comment after seeing a congregant's daughter leading the service:
She seemed to feel very comfortable in that role. That made the place seem even more relaxed. The service was traditional but to have kids like her and her friends all feel quite comfortable, that sent a message to me. Even my daughters commented on it on the drive home. They were very surprised!
--R. Wilson
At KTI, our B'nai Mitzvah students reach their milestone with an understanding that they are gaining life skills. Our Religious School is distinguished for the preparation and dedication of our students. Each student completes a Hesed project, writes and gives a D'var Torah and learns to chant Torah and Haftarah. By the time they reach their big milestone, our students are comfortable on the bimah and leading their peers and our congregants in prayer.